Kjell Bergh
Former Honorary Consul for Tanzania
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, M.A., International Relations, 2004 University of Minnesota, Kiswahili studies, 1998
Macalester College, B.A. International Relations, Journalism minor, 1970
University of Oslo, Prerequisite courses, 1967
Certificate in Consular Training, Consular Corps College, Washington, D.C. 2013 Certificate in Advanced Consular Training, Consular Corps College, Washington, D.C. 2014 Certificate, Executive and Diplomatic Seminar, New Challenges to European Security, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tallinn, Estonia 2014
Certificate, Executive and Diplomatic Seminar, The Mediterranean in an Evolving World and Cyber Security Workshop, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Valletta, Malta 2017
English, Norwegian (native language); read Danish, Swedish, German (2years); French (2 years); Studied Kiswahili (1 semester)
Royal Decorations
Knight First Class, Royal Order of Merit by King Harald of Norway (1969) Gold medal, Royal Order of the Polar Star by King Carl Gustaf of Sweden (1988) St. Olav Medal by King Olav of Norway (1983)
Honorary Consul and Dean, Honorary Consular Corps, United Republic of Tanzania (2000 – 2015) Member Civic Leader Group, United States Air Force and United States Space Force
Business Experience
Borton Volvo (Minneapolis, MN) 1967- present, Chairman; Bergh International Holdings, 1974 – present, Chairman; Borton Motors, (Rochester, MN) 1974-1979, Chairman; Borton Leasing, 1972 – 1999, Chairman; Borton Overseas, 1974- present, Chairman; Borton Limousine, 1983 – 1999, Chairman; Serengeti Select Safaris and Tarangire Safari Lodge, (Tanzania),1986- 2005 Director; Borton Volvo and Borton Volkswagen, (Delray Beach, FL) 1988-2001, Chairman; OE Alliance, LLC, 2005- 2008, Director; OnnieTech Group, Ltd., Director (Tanzania) 2005- 2015, Borton Overseas Norway A.S. , 2007 – 2017, Chairman; Trollstigen Resort (Norway) 2008-2017, Chairman
Organizational Experience
As Chairman
Minnesota Consular Corps, Vinland National Center, Gillette Children’s Hospital, Sons of Norway Foundation, Minnesota Holmenkollen Foundation, Volvo National Dealer Advisory Board, Volvo 20 Group, American International Automobile Dealers Association, AIADA Services, Inc., Delray Beach Moshi Sister Cities Committee, Nyerere Educational and Research Center Foundation, Greater Metro Auto Dealers Association, Norwegian Refugee Council USA
Academic directorships
Macalester College, MN Trustee Emeritus, Executive Comm., Chair, Audit Comm. Augsburg College, MN Regent Emeritus
Gustavus Adolphus College, MN Business Advisory Group
World Press Institute, MN Director
Nobel Peace Prize Forum, MN Director, Executive Comm.
Humphrey School, University of MN Member, Dean’s Advisory Council
Fletcher School, Tufts University Member, Dean’s GMAP Advisory Council
Medical Directorships
Center for Victims of Torture, University Children’s Foundation, Medical Education and Research Foundation, Camp for Children with Epilepsy, Ski for Light, Minnesota International Health Volunteers (now Wellspring International), International Heart Relief, Selian Lutheran Hospital (Tanzania)
Other Directorships
Norwegian American Chamber, Swedish American Chamber, National Automobile Dealers Association (Industry Relations Comm.), MN Auto Dealers Association, Volvo Executive Committee, Federated Insurance Advisory Board, KMSP-TV Advisory Board, North American Window Companies, Shamrock Villas (Montserrat, W. Indies), Environment Northern Seas (Norway), Norsemen’s Federation, Leif Eriksson Millenium Foundation, Norwegian American Foundation, UN Association of MN, Oslo Center for Peace, U.S. Foundation
Opus Prize 2012
International Citizen of the Year (2014) (International Leadership Institute)
Educate Tanzania! Outstanding Service Award (2013)
Diaspora Council of Tanzanians in America (DICOTA) Leadership Award (2010) AIADA Lifetime Achievement Award (2001)
Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame (1997)
TIME Magazine Quality Dealer Award (1996)
Automotive News Dealer of the Year (1996)
Automotive News All-Star Dream Team (1996)
Center of the American Experiment Award (1995)
Sports Illustrated All-Star Dealer Award (1994)
Sports Illustrated Dealer of Distinction (1986)
Vinland National Center Award (1985)
WCCO Radio Good Neighbor Award (1981)
Favorite Norwegian of the Year Award (1981)
Numerous Volvo, Volkswagen, Pontiac and SAAB awards
Business Awards
Business of the Year, Delray Beach, FL (Borton Motors) (2000)
Hotel Operator of the Year, Tanzania (Tarangire Safari Lodge) (1987)
Tour Operator of the Year, Norway (Borton Overseas) (1992)
Diplomatic, Military and Trade Delegations
Member, facilitator, King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway’s official visit to Tanzania Member, facilitator, MN Gov. Carlson’s trade delegation to Sweden
Member, emcee and interpreter, MN Gov. Perpich’s trade delegation to Norway Member, MN Gov. Pawlenty’s trade delegation to China and Japan
Member, MN Gov. Dayton’s delegation to Norway – 40th Anniversary of Troop Exchange Member, MN Gov. Dayton’s trade delegation to Sweden, Norway and Germany Member, MN Congressman Keith Ellison’s trade delegation to Tanzania
Leader, AIADA trade delegation to Japan
Leader, AIADA trade delegation to Germany
Leader, NRC USA delegation to Colombia
Leader, numerous safaris to Tanzania and Kenya
VIP Guest, Minnesota National Guard delegation to Florida, Alabama and Panama VIP Guest, Minnesota National Guard delegations to Norway (multiple)
VIP Guest United States Navy, nuclear submarine USN Alabama
VIP Guest, Military Command briefing, SOUTHCOM, Panama City, Panama
VIP Guest, Military Command briefing, SOUTHCOM, Miami, FL
VIP Guest, 70th Anniversary of attack on Vemork Heavy Water Plant, Telemark, Norway Guest of Honor, Groundbreaking ceremonies, Karagwe University College, Karagwe, Tanzania Guest of Honor, Inauguration ceremonies, Karagwe University College, Karagwe, Tanzania Member, Norwegian Refugee Council Board delegation to refugee camps in Jordan
Royal Transportation logistics
Provided, planned and executed ground and air transportation for the Royal family of Norway in the United States and Tanzania over the past thirty years
Provided, planned and executed ground transportation for the Royal family of Sweden and numerous heads of state in Minnesota over the past thirty years
Provided motorcades for U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on several visits to Minnesota
Private audiences
H. M. King Olav, H.M. King Harald, H.M. Queen Sonja, H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon, H.R.H. Princess Martha Louise and H.R.H. Princess Astrid of Norway; H.M. King Carl Gustaf, H.M. Queen Silvia, H.R.H. Prince Bertil, H.R.H. Princess Lillian of Sweden, H.R.H. Prince Charles of England, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan
Private Audiences with Heads of State
President Vigdis Finnbogadottir of Iceland, Presidents Benjamin William Mkapa and Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of Tanzania, President Ratu Maru of Fiji, Prime Ministers Oddvar Nordli, Kaare Willoch, Kjell Magne Bondevik and Jens Stoltenberg of Norway
Publications and papers
Worked as freelance journalist for Akers Avis and Vi Menn, Oslo, Norway
Hosted weekly Scandinavian programs on WLOL FM and KTWN FM in Minnesota for seven years Published in The Economist (U.K.), Arusha Times (Tanzania), Minneapolis StarTribune (MN), Milford Chronicle (Milford, DE), Automotive News (Detroit, MI), International Auto Dealer (Alexandria, VA), Tusculum Bulletin (Greenville, TN)
Master’s Thesis
Norway and the International Whaling Crisis (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, MA 2004)
Covered in Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek International, Automotive News, International Auto Dealer, Minneapolis StarTribune, Aftenposten (Norway), Verdens Gang (Norway), Se og Hør (Norway), Hjemmet, (Norway), Tidens Krav (Norway), Romsdals Budstikke (Norway) Åndalsnes Avis (Norway), The Guardian (Tanzania) and other international publications. Interviewed on CNN, ABC, CNBC, Bloomberg, NRK (Norway), TV2 (Norway) the Tokyo Television networks, as well as numerous local radio and TV stations
Featured in Eight Miles without a Pothole, Klobuchar, Jim, Minneapolis 1986
Featured in Wild Places and Gentle Breezes, Klobuchar, Jim, Stillwater 1990
Featured in The Cross under the Acacia Tree, Klobuchar, Jim, Minneapolis1998 Featured in Pieces of My Heart, Klobuchar, Jim, Minneapolis 2007
Featured in Amerika – fra Kennedy til Obama,Tjomsland, Audun, Oslo 2008
Featured in Wisdom on the Job, Sakai, Shinji, Tokyo 2011
Featured in Scandinavians in the StateHouse, Bergman, Klas, St. Paul, 2017
Wrote Foreword in John Magufuli: An Epitome of Cowardice, Ngurumo, Ansbert, London, 2017
Select speaking engagements
Keynote speaker: Federal Executive Board – Civil Servant of the Year Award
Nelson Mandela memorial service, Cathedral of St. Paul, MN
Federal Executive Board (Leadership Group), Minneapolis, MN
“A dialogue with Vice President Walter Mondale”, MN Consular Corps, Minneapolis American Swedish Institute, Minneapolis, MN
Keynote speaker, Leadership Series, Dunwoody Technical College, Minneapolis, MN Numerous engagements for Volvo in the United States and Sweden, American International Automobile Dealers Association. Motivational speaker for Dayton’s (later Macy’s) department stores and Toro Corporation
Several lectures and workshops at Macalester College (MN), Augsburg College (MN) and University of MN; panelist on several international relations and automotive symposia
Frequent assignments as Master of Ceremonies, including Sons of Norway’s 100th Anniversary, Minnesota National Guard-Norwegian Home Guards Exchange 25th Anniversary and 35th Anniversary, banquets for the royal couple of Norway in New York, First Lady of Tanzania in MN and FL; speaking engagements across America, Norway and Tanzania
Life memberships
Sons of Norway Foundation, Norwegian American Historical Association, Vesterheim Museum, American Swedish Institute and Ski for Light